Some of the past activities of members have included:

State and National government: This includes strategic planning input into the National AIDS Control Programmes, membership of the NACO technical resource group on STIs, STI advisors for NACO and members who have held the positions of project directors/deputy directors of National & State AIDS Control Societies.

International: This includes work with bilateral agencies e.g. DFID as well as prominent international NGOs e.g. Family Health International. Some members have been appointed Chairperson and the Secretary General for the South East Asia and Western Pacific Regional Branch of IUSTI and our Overseas members have acted as consultants to other governments on their STI programmes.

NGOs: IASSTD & AIDS members are consultants for most of the NGOs in the country, especially within Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. The NGOs include APAC, CAPAC, TAI, PASHE and KHPT.

Members have competence in areas such as development, communication, social research, clinical management, training etc.

Our members have been resource persons for

  • Awareness programmes on STI / HIV to nurses, para medical persons and to the public
  • Targeted intervention programmes for Barbers, Truck Drivers, Factory workers, unskilled labourers, uneducated rural mass, CSWs, MSMs, Police, Military and Antenatal women.
  • Programmes for Higher Secondary School, College students and Sociology students to create awareness on the prevention of STD/ HIV
  • Family Health awareness programmes
  • STD survey among CSW
  • Screening for STD / HIV among prison inmates
  • Training or Trainers programme on surveillance for STD core Trainers
  • Care and Support for Medical Officers and Nurses
  • Care and Support training for NGOs who deal with parents and children who are affected and infected.
  • Sentinel Surveillance for NACO 
    Syndromic management of STD for Resident Internees, Medical officers, District Nodal Officers and Private practitioners
  • Training Programme on STIs for Medical Officers at Andaman
    Radio and TV talks on STIs / HIV awareness and prevention.